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  • Writer's pictureJosh McRay

Why Lead Farmers PPC is Specializing in Lead Generation for Real Estate Investors

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

A couple of months ago I decided to set out and start a PPC company. I wanted to create an environment for myself that allowed me to do one thing extremely well. I’m not the type to toot my own horn, but I am really good with numbers (shameless plug: check out some of the testimonials on the site). One thing that I think helps with that is that is that I genuinely love working with numbers. They are clearly defined, they don’t lie, and you can’t hide behind them. Numbers expose vulnerability, and they validate success.

Originally, I wanted to start a PPC company that would cater to all businesses. One thing that I have learned and validated is that my approach to Google Ads management works in multiple industries. Lawyers, doctors, plumbers, car dealerships; all of them benefit from the strategy that I use and from the campaign management style that I’ve developed. This is great! But, if it is so great then why specialize.

Over the last 5 years, and much more over the last 12 months, I have really been able to dig into people's businesses. Real estate investors that I’ve worked with have been great about getting me feedback on the leads that have been coming in through Google Ads, but they’ve also been great about providing insight into their businesses as a whole. This type of feedback loop has provided incredible growth for the businesses that I’ve worked with, and for myself as a marketer.

My experience in real estate investing and in leadership roles has really helped me to effectively communicate with other real estate investors about their businesses, their teams, their processes, and their leads. Speaking the same language as your customers is extremely underrated as a skill in marketing. Yes, I can talk about ROI on car ads, lifetime client value for lawyers and doctors, and CPC for handymen, with competency. However, when I start having two way conversations with real estate investors I find myself getting extremely passionate.

I love numbers. I love using them to help real estate investors build better businesses. I love being able to apply my experience in investing and in leadership to specific issues in business that will help give business owners different perspectives on the roadblocks that they face. If I’m this passionate about this audience, then specializing is what needs to happen.

It took almost 2 months to come to this conclusion. I kicked around the idea of staying non-specific, and I’ve genuinely struggled with this choice. It didn’t become clear until I started really diving into the calls and interactions that I was having with customers. Our deep dives were just as rewarding for them as it was for me. I was taking what were supposed to be 15 minute recap calls and turning them into 45 minute strategy calls. We are constantly working together to build something better, and I find passion in that process.

Lead Farmers PPC will always be open to working with other businesses in other industries, but the primary service offered will be building better businesses for real estate investors through PPC management and two way conversations. I’m super excited about this move to specialize in an industry that I’m truly passionate about, and I really look forward to helping take businesses to new heights with what I have to offer!

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